Small Business ReachOut Circle

Welcome to Just4Cancer’s Earmark Giving portal. Earmark Giving enables business donors to donate to members and campaigns (with verified beneficiaries) via Just4Cancer Foundation and receive a tax write-off.

By committing to give through Earmark Giving’s Small Business ReachOut Circle

,you directly get involved in helping families fight the dire impact of financial toxicity of cancer.

Your earmark donation through Small Business ReachOut Circle goes to Just4Cancer Foundation Inc (herein referred to as 'the foundation'). Receipts to use for your taxes indicates donation to the foundation. We shall make donations to members/campaigns based on your earmark settings. All donations on your behalf shall be seen and tracked in real time through your Just4Cancer account providing full transparency.

Your brand shall always be displayed as the donor to each recipient except you choose to remain anonymous.

To help you focus on your business, we charge a small handling fee and an earmark service fee. Your donation can include the handling and service fee or the handling and service fee can be deducted from your donated amount. This helps us to support our day to day operations.

Note that using this feature does not stop you from supporting other members/campaigns on the site directly from your account. However, such non-earmarked support will be regarded as a gift and will not be considered as part of your earmark giving for tax purposes.

With your Small Business ReachOut Circle commitment today, we can take a giant stride forward towards helping families fight the dire impact of financial toxicity of cancer.

For more information about how to join any of the ReachOut Circles, contact

Recognition in all public facing documents and annual reports

Membership appreciation plaque

VIP seating in our Just4Cancer fashion shows

VIP seating in our other events shows

Tax write off for all donations

Invitation to exclusive regional and national events

Dedicated Account Manager to manage distribution of your donations

Personalized report from your Account Manager.

Updates from Just4Cancer’s CEO on the impact of your donations.

Real Time Tracking and distribution of funds

Solicit a Donor

Qhr pharmacy
Mile 90 Marketplace
Abimbola Okesanya
Destiny Gold
Clifford Rhayns
Ivo Tsewole

Donate to a Fund Finder

Panseh Tsewole
Angela Durham
George Spurlock
Manks N
Emilie Agbor
Clifford Rhayns
Glenn Archie jr
Ernestine Ndisah

Donate to a Charity

Donate to a Campaign

No Campaigns



It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.


Prostate Network Inc.

Prostate Cancer

Angels Surviving Cancer

Breast Cancer

Christians Overcoming Cancer

Childhood cancer



Just4Cancer Partner - Prostate Network
Just4Cancer Partner - Pills2Me
Just4Cancer Partner - Cancer Journeys Foundation

All Rights Reserved Just4Cancer, Inc