Raised: $130.00

Goal: $80,000.00

Days Left: 0


South Florida Cancer Association, Inc.


4 Donors |

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Transitional Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic for African-American Cancer Patients (“TCAP”)

African-American cancer patients undergoing treatment are often incapable of maintaining employment. For the majority, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have blocked the ability to earn income. As a minority, our patients find themselves even further marginalized with additional worries and burdens to bear.

Cancer and its concomitant treatment often leave a patient suffering pain, nausea and vomiting, appetite loss, fatigue, cognitive thinking and memory impairment, the list goes on. (This list is drawn from our own staff’s personal experiences.) Treatment can last from 1 to 3 months or longer.

The objective of the TCAP is to ensure that cancer patients do not become homeless, have their nutritional needs met, and their utilities maintained without threat or fear of shutoff. The TCAP also guarantees transportation to and from treatment. We attempt to alleviate as much of their stress as possible. We support them by taking at least some of their burden, with your help, upon ourselves.

Qualified patients may receive direct assistance for up to $3500 in direct assistance to cover basic essential living expenses, with additional support available as need requires.

To qualify for assistance, the patient:

1) Must have an active diagnosis of cancer;
2) Must be in treatment or beginning treatment; or,
3) Must have a demonstrated financial need.

Patients will be considered on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis with preference given to patients with families and children. An assigned staff member will personally assist the patient to navigate the process and then monitor the patient’s progress to ensure the patients’ needs are met.

The program is expected to provide much needed suppport to 20+ families.

Metrics for Evaluating Program Success:

1) Participant needs and progress assessment;
2) Monitoring and assessment of program and staff effectiveness; and
3) Patient Survey regarding effectiveness of staff and the services received. Suggestions or recommendations will be accepted at this time and included with the evaluation considerations.

South Florida Cancer Association, Inc.











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